• Name: Josh Ved
  • Job Title: Actuarial Analyst
  • Location: London
  • University: Bath
  • Degree: Accounting and Finance
  • Fields of Work: Pensions
Photo Placeholder

What stood out to you about Aon?

I joined Aon as an industrial placement student before being offered a graduate role at the end of the programme. The size of the firm stood out to me and the range of career opportunities.

What are your main duties?

I am responsible for providing regular updates on the health of pension schemes, required changes in legislation and changes to stakeholder objectives.

What skills are useful in your role?

Time management is very important and communication skills. Confidence around basic mathematics and Microsoft Office is invaluable.

What do you find most rewarding and most challenging about your role?

I find it rewarding when I meet with clients and help them come to decisions. The most challenging part of my role is the managing expectations and prioritising.

Outside of your day-to-day role, are you involved in any extracurricular activities at Aon?

I am part of Aonโ€™s Mental Health Business Resource Group. I also organise socials for the Retirement business and enjoy participating in early careers events when possible.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to enter the profession?

  • Become confident in Excel.
  • Learn to communicate clearly, respectfully and concisely.
  • Learn how to structure your days.
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