Further growth in Hymans Robertsons Risk Transfer Team & more…Keep up with what has been happening this week in our latest actuary news round-upโ€ฆ

Further growth in Hymans Robertsons Risk Transfer Team

Hymans Robertson has announced the appointment of both Paula Haughton and Harry Allen to its expanding Risk Transfer team.

Broadstone agrees to acquire H&C Consulting Actuaries

Pensions, employee benefits, and investments consultancy Broadstone has agreed to acquire H&C Consulting Actuaries, for an undisclosed fee. The independent firm of consulting actuaries will bolster Broadstoneโ€™s footprint in the North of England, as it looks to expand its UK presence with a string of acquisitions.

Climate risk course sees new growth

In April, the Climate Risk and Sustainability course will be one year old. During its first year, we welcomed 155 participants and awarded 148 certificates. Members from more than 19 countries came together at the seminars to discuss and share what they had learnt.

New American Academy of Actuaries Web App Puts You in Charge of Fixing Social Security Financing

A new “Social Security Challenge” web app published by the nonpartisan American Academy of Actuaries immerses users in an animated virtual trek where they endeavor to solve one of the most consequential public policy challenges of our time: how to address the financing shortfall that could lead to future 20% cuts in payable Social Security benefits.

USQRisk names Rhys Jones head of UK pricing

USQRisk, an international managing general agent (MGA) specialising in alternative risk transfer solutions, has announced the appointment of Rhys Jones as head of UK pricing and senior underwriter.

IFoA calls for Government to prioritise future generations

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