GAD engages at GIRO & more…Keep up with what has been happening this week in our latest actuary news round-up…

GAD engages at GIRO

Speakers from the GAD have shared knowledge and expertise with delegates at GIRO – a major actuarial conference on general insurance.

Actuaries Institute warns of low probability, high-impact economic scenarios

The Actuaries Institute expects some low probability but plausible scenarios involving a significant economic recession in Australia within the next 15 years.

Actuaries highlight need for ethical use of AI in insurance

While artificial intelligence (AI) promises faster and smarter decision making, the Actuaries Institute and the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) worry about potential discrimination and highlight the need to prevent this.

TPR appoints Nausicaa Delfas as new Chief Executive

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has announced the appointment of Nausicaa Delfas as its new Chief Executive. Nausicaa, who will start in the role at the end of March 2023, joins TPR from her current role as Executive Director, Governance, at the Financial Conduct Authority. 

IFoA calls for Government to prioritise future generations

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