SunGard has launched a global, 24-hour, real-time streaming of live securities lending transactions through its Astec Analytics solution suite.
Live streaming of securities lending data is seen as a big step forward in satisfying the increasing need for transparency in financial services.
SunGardโ€™s Astec Analytics monitors more than 1.3 million securities lending transactions at 75 financial institutions and tracks more than 33,000 unique securities on loan on average daily. Itย allows live streaming of continuously updatedย data as transactions are fed directly into the system.
Josh Galper, managing principal at Finadium stated: ‘traders in fast moving markets and who work with hedge funds and other borrower clients need intraday [from within the day] data to make smarter decisions both for their securities loans and to price trades across a portfolio. As securities lending continues its evolution towards greater transparency, global intraday securities lending will play an expanding role in the markets.’

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